
Showing posts from October, 2011

My 99% statement

I am a graduate student at a public university. I spend an incredible amount of time every week teaching students and counseling them on how to be better students and feel good about their decision to come to college and learn for the sake of learning. I make less than $20K/year to do this and am not guaranteed that little bit of money. I am not just a student myself; I am a teacher, a counselor and often, I am just a friend to undergraduate students who are scared to death by what the next stage in life will be. I tell them it will all work out, when I know from my own experience, that that is not often true. I am currently over $100K in debt from student loans. I drive a 12 year old car that will likely die at any moment. I have almost no luxuries in my life, because I can't afford them. I can't afford these luxuries, because I have chosen to better the world through science and education rather than only serving my own needs through a high paying job. I am getting a P...