
Showing posts from November, 2011

What is there to be thankful for?

If you are any kind of introspective or thinking person, you are thankful for so many things on this Thanksgiving day. Of course, you list among them family, friends and good health. As I get older I realize that everyone is blessed in some kind of way whether we choose to see it and believe it or not. On this Thanksgiving, I realize there are things beyond the usual I am thankful for; however snarky they may seem, I think it is important to move beyond the usual. This is in no way intended to be negative: 1- I am thankful for really truly assy people in the world. Every time I interact with one of these assy people, I think to myself, "thank you, I now know how not to act." This pearl of wisdom came down to me from Peter, an older man who I worked with at Borders when I was finishing my master's degree and was unbelievably broke. We had an absolutely horrible customer one morning and Peter said to me, "Laura, don't get upset. Use this as an opportunity t...