My 99% statement

I am a graduate student at a public university. I spend an incredible amount of time every week teaching students and counseling them on how to be better students and feel good about their decision to come to college and learn for the sake of learning. I make less than $20K/year to do this and am not guaranteed that little bit of money. I am not just a student myself; I am a teacher, a counselor and often, I am just a friend to undergraduate students who are scared to death by what the next stage in life will be. I tell them it will all work out, when I know from my own experience, that that is not often true.

I am currently over $100K in debt from student loans. I drive a 12 year old car that will likely die at any moment. I have almost no luxuries in my life, because I can't afford them. I can't afford these luxuries, because I have chosen to better the world through science and education rather than only serving my own needs through a high paying job.

I am getting a PhD in a subject that the governor of Florida just declared a waste of time and money. I am frustrated by this politician, because if he took a look around at the people he works along with, he would realize that a high number of people working to make change for the good in government have degrees in anthropology. I am an anthropologist; I can tell you what is wrong with the US and how to fix it, but I am a waste of time and money. Good luck cleaning up your own mess!

I am writing my dissertation on wealth inequality in the past. I know how the 99%-1% disparity happened; I know how it can be fixed.

Along with all of this information and knowledge I have gained in graduate school for anthropology I accrued over $100K in debt. It will probably take me at least 20 years to pay this money back because my starting salary will be no better than if I worked in the same job I did when I got out of high school. I wonder what the value of helping society through education really is.

I put myself through college and a master's degree by working long hours. I graduated with two bachelor's degrees and started taking classes as a graduate student all within 4 years. I did all of this while I worked outside jobs. I have never taken money from my parents who have also struggled for basic necessities. I will probably not be able to help my parents as they get older. That is the reality of being the 99%.

Whatever you believe about the 99%-1% wealth inequality in the US today, the fact that my parents will get older, and I will probably not be able to help them should resonate with everyone and make them believe that there are problems that need fixing (which my anthropology degree could help with). Did I also mention that my father is a Vietnam veteran who was drafted at the age of 18 and has had and will continue to have health problems because of this experience, likely the result of being sprayed with Agent Orange (which the government has denied)?

I am the 99%


  1. This resonated with me so on many levels. I feel your passion in your words and it makes me wish there was a way to make this world better. sadly, those who can rarely have the desire to do anything. To change the status quo is to remove what makes them better than the rest of us.

  2. Powerful and does make one think.

    I am also one of the 99%, but have found the opportunities that have made the choices I made grand...well not all of them...but life is good.

    Keep doing what you love. Your passion will guide you to opportunities to share more of what you know.

    You could be the voice our nation needs to hear.

  3. I agree this was a powerful post. It touched me on several levels - first, I have a B.A. in Anthropology - I've never worked a day in a related field (I'm in my late 50's) but the training has helped me understand a lot about life. Second, I feel for your situation very much. And third, my father was a disabled vet of WWII. Society never accepted the epilepsy that resulted from his service but he was a wonderful father to me. Finally, I want to say - don't give up. This blog may be meant to be a tool to get your message out. Don't let your passion die out. Please consider posting more, if you have the time. We all serve humanity in different ways.


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